Fetal Echocardiography

What is fetal echocardiography?

Fetal echocardiography (echo) uses sound waves to check the heart of your developing baby.

Fetal echo can help find heart defects before birth. If a heart problem can be found early, the more likely treatment will work. This is because:

  • Healthcare providers may be able to treat the problem before birth, in some cases. 
  • Healthcare providers can get ready for problems that may happen during labor and delivery. 
  • An early delivery can be scheduled.
  • Once the baby is born, treatment may be done. This might be medicine or surgery.

Why might I need fetal echo?

Healthcare providers recommend fetal echo in these cases:

  • Another child was born with a heart defect
  • Family history of genetic heart problems
  • Genetic problem found in the fetus
  • You are taking certain medicines that may cause congenital heart defects. These include certain medicines for seizures, depression, and acne. They also include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) and blood pressure medicines (ACE-inhibitors).
  • You have abused alcohol or drugs during your pregnancy
  • You have certain health problems such as diabetes, lupus, or phenylketonuria
  • You have had certain infections during your pregnancy. These include German measles (rubella) or cytomegalovirus.
  • You had abnormal test results from other tests
  • You conceived by assisted reproductive technology
  • Your baby was noted to have too fast, slow, or irregular heart beats on exam
  • Abnormalities seen on fetal ultrasound
  • You became pregnant at an advanced age

If you have risk factors such as a family history of heart problems, fetal echoes are often done in the second trimester of pregnancy. This is at about 18 to 24 weeks.

What are the risks of fetal echo?

Fetal echo does not have any risks for either the fetus or mother. The lowest possible ultrasound settings are used.

How do I get ready for fetal echo?

You don’t need any special preparation for fetal echo. You will need prescription with stamp from your gynecologist / registered medical practitioner for the test. You will also need valid ID proof / Aadhar card for PNDT formalities.

What happens during fetal echo?

A specially trained radiologist does fetal echo. In general, the steps include:

  • You will lie on an exam table. You won’t likely need to change your clothes. 
  • The provider will put gel on your belly. 
  • The provider will use an electronic device called a transducer that sends out sound waves. 
  • He or she will move the transducer around to get the best images of the fetal heart. You may feel pressure as the transducer moves over your belly.
  • Once the exam is complete, the gel is wiped off. 

Sometimes an endo-vaginal echocardiogram is done early in pregnancy to monitor the developing fetus’ heartbeat. The healthcare provider puts a small echocardiogram probe into the vagina instead of putting it on the belly.